Решаем проблему вместе - телематический сервис GCS в Росиии


16 Янв 2021
GV80 3.0 Diesel
Для неравнодушных по работе GCS.
Сайт для направлению писем в Головное представительство Genesis в Корее

Dear Headquarters,

I am writing to request You to clear up the situation with the features of Genesis GV80 that on the Russian market. I mean the option Genesis Connect Service.
I bought my car Genesis GV80 by Major-auto - the official dealer in Russia - on Feb. 2021.
VIN Russia: 0000000000000000000000
VIN Korea: 0000000000000000000000

Buying a car I was assured that this option Connect Service would be available in the nearest future. But more than six months have passed, the car soft was upgraded, but this option is still unavailable.
Kindly ask You to clear up this situation: they were unable to answer this question in Genesis Representation in Russia. Please, let me know, when I can get this function -Genesis Connect Service - on my car.

Awaiting Your soonest reply.

Good day

I bought a Genesis GV80 car in August 2021 in Moscow from an official Major-Auto dealer https://www.major-auto.ru/models/genesis/

VIN Russia: XWEHC81DDM0001087
VIN Korea: KMTHC81DDMU061884

I am asking you to clarify the situation regarding the Genesis Connect Service function, which was not installed in the car.

The problem is I was misled by dealer and official representative of Genesis in Russia, informing before buying a car that this function will work in Russia soon. It should be noted that this feature was actively advertised in videos inside the dealer’s showroom.

Now the dealer and the representative declare that this service is not available in my car and will not be installed in the future.

Genesis is wonderful brand and GV-80 is a great car, but I can’t get full pleasure from all the possibilities it offers. Please clarify when this service will become available on my car and try to solve this problem as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours
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